Hello and welcome to my blog collection! Most pieces are a short 10-minute read, although I am experimenting with many different styles (research papers, op-eds, comics, etc). Hope you enjoy the posts and do remember to leave comments :)
Decolonial Projects: Fanon’s Critique of the Western Models of Political Transformation
Reading Review: Freud, Civilization and its Discontents, pp. 10-112
Reading Review: Carl Schmitt. The Concept of the Political, pp. 19-79
Violent Resistance: On Necessity and Morality
Money: The Root of Unnatural Accumulation
Preventing Political Absolutism: Locke's Separation of Powers
Hindu Tradition of Political Thought: Gandhi's Innovations & Subversions
TIL: Is Violence Ever Legitimate?
Positive Liberty: An Imposition on our Freedoms?
TIL: Values as a Social Construct?
TIL: Polity VS Democracy
Political Theory: the Will of All or the General Will?
V for Vendetta: State Control V Individual Liberties