Hello and welcome to my blog collection! Most pieces are a short 10-minute read, although I am experimenting with many different styles (research papers, op-eds, comics, etc). Hope you enjoy the posts and do remember to leave comments :)
Has data-sharing technology saved our water crisis? No, geopolitical tensions linger still.
Shower thoughts: E-angpow as a trade-off between tradition and environmentalism?
Climate Change and the Vulnerability Equation: Global North versus Global South
Contemporary Politics of Climate Change: Ecological Modernization in Singapore
Ecological Footprint: Effect of the Pandemic?
TIL: Turn It Around Project
Ecofeminism: Gender on Environmentalism
Wind Turbines: Bird Enemy #1?
Urban Traffic Congestion (US) II: The Solution of Congestion Pricing
Urban Traffic Congestion (US) I: The Effects of Unsustainability
Sustainable Urban Solutions: Lessons from Singapore’s model
The Big Bad Bd: The Rush to Save Amphibians from Extinction
Saving Nemo II: Improving Traceability of Unsustainable Fishing
Saving Nemo I: International Laws on Unsustainable Fishing